Can Beagles Go On Boats?

beagle boat

There’s nothing more refreshing than a day spent out on a lake – or in the open sea – on a boat. And if you’re a water-lover, chances are that you want to include your favorite furry family members in on the adventure. While beagles are a breed that is not typically known for taking to water naturally, many beagles do enjoy swimming and can do very well on a boat.

Just keep in mind that, for all their adorable and lovable traits, beagles are also known for being stubborn and you will need to do some training and preparation with your dog to make sure that both you and they are fully prepared to hit the water safely before you head out. 

How to Prepare Your Beagle for A Boat Ride

  • Get a canine life vest

Just as every person your boat should have a life vest, so should your beagle. In the event of any kind of watercraft accident or a simple fall overboard, the vest will literally be a lifesaver.

Of course, having a life vest on board is not enough – your dog should be wearing it for the entire duration of your time on the water. Be sure to measure your beagle and purchase an approved and properly fitted life vest that is made specifically for canines. While it may take a little getting used to, these vests are designed for comfort and long wear. Outward Hound’s Canine Life Vest is very reliable.

  • Be sure to hydrate your beagle beforehand

Drinking lake or sea water can be extremely dangerous to your dog, and unfortunately your dog may not know the difference when they’re swimming. Both lake and sea water can contain dangerous parasites and bacteria, and the saline in sea water quickly dehydrates the body. The best defense against your beagle trying to do this is to provide plenty of fresh water both before you leave for your water adventure and while you are both on the boat.

If your beagle gets too excited, you may need to remind them to drink by showing them how or by offering water periodically. Be sure to bring along not only bottled water and drinks for yourself but a jug of fresh water for your pup. You can use a regular water bowl or purchase a collapsible travel bowl for ease of transport.

  • Bring along sunscreen and extra towels

You’ll want to keep your beagle dry and safe from damaging sun rays. Because beagles are a short haired dog breed, they can suffer sunburns just like humans – and their coat provides very little protection.

When taking a beagle out on the water, you should look for either a gentle formula sunscreen that is meant for babies or even a specially formulated sunscreen for dogs and apply it liberally both before you go out and throughout the day. It’s particularly important to reapply after your pup spends time in the water, as it can easily wash off. Your dog should also have a shady place on the boat to retreat to if they get too overheated.

To keep your pup dry after they a dip, bring them their own towels or mats to prevent soiling your own beach towels.

  • Keep your beagle supervised at all times

Think of it as if you are watching a small child (who just happens to be a little furry!) Accidents can happen in an instant and it is your job to carefully supervise your beagle. Keep them on a short leash so that you can grab them quickly if needed.

It’s also very important that your dog is properly trained, so that you can stop them from doing something dangerous with a simple command. While the boat is in motion, you should be sure that your beagle is seated at a low point on the floor or lower level of your boat, so that he or she is less likely to fall overboard while you travel at higher speeds. 

How to Train Your Beagle For Boat Rides

As we discussed earlier, most beagles are not naturally inclined to the water. Therefore, it will take some patient training on your part to ensure that they are able to get on and off the boat safely and to follow your commands to stay, or go to a certain part of the boat. It is vital for your beagle’s safety that they can follow these basic commands before you take them out on the water.

  • Getting off and on the boat

You’ll need to acclimate your dog to the feel of being in the boat and on the water. This will take some time and practice, as the boat is an entirely new environment and the movement of the boat can be very disorienting for any small dog.

If possible, you’ll want to take your beagle out for a few visits and practice getting used to the boat, embarking and disembarking before you take them out for a long ride. The first step in acclimating your dog to the boat is to allow him or her to get on and off a few times while your boat is docked. Reward them for their bravery and give lots of praise in order to make the boat an interesting place to be. Consider putting a favorite toy or some treats there to help them along.

Once your beagle has gotten off and on the boat a few times, you can turn on the motor and take them for a short cruise around on calm water. Make sure that your beagle is secured before you do this, as the sound of the motor can be quite scary to some dogs and your beagle may jump or scurry if startled.

You will also want to teach your dog to respond to the “go to place” command, so that you can order them to a certain part of the boat should it be necessary. You can practice this command on land and easily transfer it to boat use.

  • Training in the water

Additionally, you will want your dog to have at least a little bit of experience being in the water. Practicing swimming in very shallow water with you nearby will help them get comfortable with being on larger bodies of water and less nervous about boating. I like to try this in a full bath when dogs are puppies, and in pools at first as adults. From there, I try shallow parts of the ocean so that dogs can get used to waves and currents, always with a life vest of course. 

Your dog will also need to respond to you when swimming. You will want to be sure that your beagle knows and obeys a command to come to you while they are in the water. This will prevent them from wandering far from your boat. This command can also be used in the event that they fall into the water accidentally. If they are already used to responding to you calling them while in the water, they will be able to react quicker. 

For more tips, check out this video on sailing with beagles below:

Potential Hazards For Beagles On Boats

Keeping your dog safe on a boat means having supplies ready for any situation and being sure that they are trained to follow your commands. Of course, one of the biggest dangers for your dog is the possibility of drowning. As discussed earlier, your beagle should always have a life vest on.

You may also wish to consider getting a tether for your dog. There are several different kinds available specifically for boats and will allow your dog to walk around with some freedom while keeping them safely distanced from the edges of the boat. You can even purchase wireless smart tethers that will automatically alert you and  kill your motor in the event that your dog should fall overboard. These are definitely the safest for your dog, but can be dangerous for your boat depending on the setting. 

Another potential hazard of boat-riding with dogs is motion sickness or vomiting, which is a fairly common issue for dogs. In mild cases, your dog might acclimate to the feeling of being on the water after a short period of light nausea. More severe cases might warrant a discussion with your vet about medications to calm your dog’s stomach.

beagle swimming

Be sure that he or she has plenty of water before, during and after your bite ride to minimize the possibility of complications from dehydration, and also make sure that you pack some kibble that they’re used to eating in case they throw up at the start of a long outing. It may even be worth getting some anti-motion sickness medication from your vet to have with you just in case.

Lastly, you may want to consider checking into what your boating insurance covers in regards to your pet. For example, will it cover any injuries to him should he have an accident on board? And what about if your dog were to accidentally injure someone else – does your coverage take care of such an incident? It’s definitely worth a call to get a quick insurance checkup before you take your canine friend out with you on the boat.

Final Thoughts

Although beagles, as a breed, are not generally naturally drawn to the water, they can still become great boating companions. Many of them will even learn to love being out on the boat – and even swimming – because they want to be wherever you are! The key to getting a more reticent dog interested in going out on the boat with you is to take your time, give him or her a chance to acclimate and give lots of positive reinforcement.

With just a little bit of preparation, you might be pleasantly surprised to find that your sweet beagle family member does have sea legs after all! 

Modern Beagle Team

I've been working with beagles and helping train dogs for years. I have a background in online journalism, and have decided to combine these two skills to help teach the world about their beagles!

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