Can Beagles Tolerate Hot Summer Weather?

beagle hot weather

Beagles are known for their fondness for the great outdoors. It’s one of the things that make them such amazing companions. 

If you’re looking for a dog who will join you on outdoor adventures, a beagle should be at the top of the list. And if you already have a beagle in your family, you know that one of their favorite spots is likely to be a patch of sunshine by a door or window. All that said, too much heat can be dangerous for beagles and it’s important to practice safety during the summer months.

This is particularly true if you live in a particularly warm climate. Practicing basic safety measures will help to keep your beagle safe and comfortable. Read on for all the information you need about how to protect your canine friend when the temperature soars!

What Levels of Heat Can Beagles Tolerate?

Summer is a terrific time to take your beagle buddy on outdoor hikes, but it can be difficult to know when the heat is too much for them. Although beagles are shorter-haired dogs, it’s important to remember that they are still, in effect, wearing a full length fur coat and can get overheated fairly quickly. 

This is true for all dogs, and it’s in part because of important physiological differences. For one, unlike humans, dogs don’t sweat. This means that they do not have an effective mechanism for cooling their bodies. Instead, they pant through their mouths, which creates a small amount of evaporation to cool themselves.

In general, beagles are one of the more heat-tolerant breeds of dogs and are able to comfortably handle temperatures of roughly 30-90 degrees Fahrenheit for reasonable periods of time. At any temperature above 90, you should be keeping a very close eye on your dog’s condition, and should try to limit exposure in direct sunlight. 

It’s also important to consider whether your dog is participating in strenuous exercise or there are other mitigating factors that may cause them to overheat more quickly. Even in the case of a warm temperature under 90 degrees, your beagle should always have access to shade and plenty of cool water.

Avoid Hot Ground When Possible

beagle hot weather

Another thing to consider when you have your dog out in the summer is the temperature of the ground. During hot temperatures, outdoor surfaces can heat up to dangerously high levels. As kids, most of us had the experience of burning our feet on hot asphalt. It’s not a pleasant feeling! Your beagle feels the same way about walking on hot surfaces. If it’s hot enough to burn you, or make you feel uncomfortably hot, your dog will feel the same way!

Dogs have very sensitive areas in their paw pads that react similarly to their skin. When it’s hot outside, be mindful of putting your dog’s delicate paws on scorching hot concrete. The surfaces that will hold the most heat are asphalt and concrete, particularly black asphalt. Checking the ground temperature when you go outside is a good idea. If it’s too hot for you to walk on with bare feet, it will be too hot for your beagle! 

You don’t have to miss out on walks, however. Just stay near the softer areas as much as possible. Grass and shady dirt is the most comfortable for walking.

And don’t forget about sand! Sand can get just as hot as concrete and asphalt, so if you have your dog out for a day of fun and sun, be sure that they have a place to lay that is not directly on hot sand.

Tips When Traveling in the Summer With Beagles

If you’re considering taking your furry companion along for a trip this summer, make sure you are prepared. As much as we hate to hear it, sometimes the best place for your beagle is at home or in the company of a pet-sitter or boarding facility. 

Before you set out on a trip, consider where your beagle will be staying and whether it is possible to control the environment to keep them safe and cool. The inescapable heat of camping outdoors at the height of summer, for example, might be too much. 

On the other hand, if you know that your dog will have an air-conditioned hotel room or RV to hang out in, they may very well enjoy coming along for the ride!

The number one rule of traveling with your beagle in the summer is to never, ever leave them in the car alone. Think of how hot your car is when you step inside of it after it’s been sitting in the sun for just a few minutes. 

Many dog owners believe that leaving their dog in the car for five or ten minutes won’t be a problem but, the truth is, during extreme temperatures a dog can die in a matter of minutes. 

When you leave your beagle in a car, there is nowhere for the heat to escape to. It’s like putting your dog in an oven for a few minutes! Because of this, you will need to plan so that your dog is able to get out of the car when you do. This might require some extra help, such as having one person walk the dog while another gets out to use the restroom.

You’ll also want to be sure to bring everything your dog will need to stay cool and comfy. This includes a travel water bowl or bottle. It’s very important to offer water regularly. If you’re on a road trip, you may even want to make special stops periodically, just to allow your beagle to hydrate and relieve themselves.

You’ll also want to make sure that he or she is comfortable and secured in your vehicle. This could be accomplished with a kennel/cage or a seatbelt restraint for dogs. If your dog is particularly anxious about traveling, you may want to talk with your vet. Your vet can make suggestions and possibly even prescribe medications to make the trip go more smoothly for everyone.

How to Exercise Your Beagle During Hot Weather

Of course, regardless of the weather, it’s important that your dog gets the exercise that they need to stay healthy. Luckily, there are lots of ways that you can help them get in their physical activity, even in the hottest temps.

The number one tip I can offer is to try to avoid being outside during the hottest hours of the day. Taking your beagle out to walk – or to the beach or anywhere else – in the morning or evening will be much more comfortable for everyone involved. The temperature can vary by dozens of degrees between peak afternoon temps and early/late ones. You’ll also eliminate the worry over sun exposure, which is far less dangerous during those hours.

If you need to be out when the sun is at its highest, limit the amount of time that you spend outside and/or the degree of intensity of exercise. Even if your beagle enjoys running, extremely hot days are not the best time for it. Extra high temperature days may mean more laid-back strolls. You should also look for shade and keep your beagle in it as much as possible. Again, the differences in temperature and sunshine intensity can be huge!

Lastly, keep exercise periods short during heat waves. It’s better to get in several short walks or outdoor playtimes each day than to be out in the heat for long stretches at a time. And don’t forget that exercise is not limited to the outdoors. You can engage in active play with your dog anywhere! Tug of war and other physical games all count as exercise and can be played right in the air-conditioned comfort of the living room.

Signs of Dehydration in Dogs

Unfortunately, our dogs are unable to tell us that they’re dehydrated on their own, so it’s our job as dog owners to make sure that they’re okay and getting the amount of water that they need. 

If left untreated, dehydration can turn into much more serious conditions that can cause serious harm to your beagle, so prevention and quick treatment is key. According to the American Kennel Club’s chief veterinary officer Dr. Jerry Klein, some of the most important symptoms of dehydration in dogs include:

  • Thick saliva
  • Panting
  • Sunken, dry-looking eyes
  • Dry nose
  • Dry Skin or dandruff
  • Fast heart right
  • Trouble breathing
  • Vomiting with or without diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Sticky, dry gums
  • Loss of skin elasticity
  • Reduced energy levels and lethargy

Of all of these symptoms, looking out for skin elasticity is one of the easiest to test for. If you gently pull on the skin of your dogs back, it will generally sink back to form close to their body. However if it stays in position for a longer amount of time after tugging on it, it’s highly likely that your dog is severely dehydrated. 

The simplest cure for dehydration is by getting your dog water, but it extreme cases, they may need to replenish their electrolytes altogether. In cases like this, you’ll want to seek out vet-approved electrolyte replenishers along with water to help them get their strength back. 

Signs of Heat Stroke and Sun Stroke in Dogs

Heat stroke and sun stroke are extremely dangerous conditions in which body temperature rises several degrees above normal temperature in response to the heat in the surrounding environment. Heatstroke can happen very quickly to dogs, on account of their inability to efficiently dissipate body heat. Left untreated, heat stroke can ultimately result in death.

The signs of heat stroke may not be immediately obvious in the beginning, which is why it is so important to be cognizant of the temperature and to keep an eye on your beagle when it’s hot outside. If you notice your dog panting excessively, this is a sign they may be dehydrated and hot, meaning that you should find them shade, cooler temperatures, water or other means of cooling down.

Lethargy and an unwillingness to move are more serious signs of discomfort and should be cause for concern. Drooling, trouble eating or total lack of appetite, fast heart rate, reddened gums or vomiting can result if heat stroke is left unchecked. If your beagle is exhibiting just a few of these symptoms, it should be taken very seriously and your dog should be moved to an air-conditioned area (or coolest area outside) as soon as possible.

If your dog is experiencing these serious symptoms, you should not only cool the dog down, but consider also contacting an emergency veterinarian for further instructions and care.

How to Protect Your Beagle From the Heat

Your dog doesn’t have to miss out on the summer fun if you follow basic safety precautions to keep your best friend as cool as possible.

Here are some tips to keep your beagle cool in the summer:

  1. Avoid being out in the hottest hours of the day. The most dangerous hours for overheating are between 11 AM and 4 PM when the sun is at its highest and temperatures are soaring. Try not to be outside for long periods during this time and, if you must, keep your dog in shade or give him or her breaks inside if possible.
  2. Don’t dress your dog in clothing! This may seem like a no-brainer but your dog is already wearing a fur coat, so putting other clothing on them – even a light t-shirt – will make them uncomfortable in the heat.
  3. Provide water at all times! Water should always be available to your beagle when you are outside during warm weather. Not only should you have water on hand for your dog to drink as needed, but you should also have access to cool water in case you need to wipe your dog to cool them down further.
  4. Get your dog a cold treat! Many beagles love a good, cold treat. Doggie ice creams or frozen cookies in dog-friendly flavors are a great way to keep your dog cool and comfortable.
  5. Take your beagle for a swim. Although beagles are not the most natural swimmers in the dog world, many of them do enjoy a quick swim or dip into cool water from time to time. A simple kiddie pool might do the trick. If your dog is more adventurous, a shallow swimming spot or beach can keep them cool.
  6. Stay in the grass. Concrete and asphalt have been known to get hot enough to literally fry an egg. If it’s too hot for your own skin, that definitely means that it is too hot for your dog’s bare paw pads. Staying in the grass or on other soft areas is the best way to avoid burning your dog’s paws.
  7. Don’t ever leave your dog in the car alone. Hundreds of dogs die this way every year. Even if it’s just a few minutes, extreme heat can – and does – kill.

For more tips, check out this video from one of our favorite YouTube channels below:

Recommended Products for Dog Heat Protection in the Summer

  • Dog shoes can be an effective way to protect your dog’s paw pads when walking around in the summer. Opposite to those cold winter booties you may be familiar with, you’ll want to consider a light weight fabric that doesn’t bother your pup for long walks and activity. Keeping them light will help them move around, and will avoid increasing your dog’s body temperature even more. 
  • Paw wax can be another extremely effective tool to help keep your dog’s paw pads away from harm. Natural paw waxes can help keep their paw pads moisturized, which will prevent dehydration, and will give them an extra layer of protection against scolding hot ground surfaces. 
  • Dog bandanas can also be a great way to keep your dog’s face out of direct sunlight when on long walks. Just as we humans would use them, bandanas can keep your dog’s eyes from straining in sunlight for long periods of time, and can protect their moist noses from getting too dry and chapped.
  • Vet-approved electrolytes can be a great way to reverse dehydration and bring your pup back to their right energy levels. Dehydration can take hours or even days to reverse on just water and food alone, so by replenishing their electrolytes, you’ll cut down on the likelihood that their dehydration will turn into something way worse. 
  • Nose chapstick and soothers can also help if your dog’s nose gets too dried out on long summer days. Snouts and noses hold a significant amount of moisture for dog’s faces, and when they dry out it can get really irritated and bothersome for your pup.

Final Thoughts

Heat stroke and sun stroke are very serious, often deadly, conditions. The number one weapon that dog owners have against them is to be informed. You can help keep your beagle cool and safe, simply by being aware of the symptoms and the best practices for preventing heat stroke. With these simple safety tips in mind, your dog can enjoy a fun summer.

Modern Beagle Team

I've been working with beagles and helping train dogs for years. I have a background in online journalism, and have decided to combine these two skills to help teach the world about their beagles!

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