It seems like everyone is drinking sparkling water these days. Whether flavored or unflavored, the carbonation is so refreshing! Since humans love sparkling water, especially on hot summer days, you might be wondering whether it’s okay for your furry friend to have a sip (or a bowl!) of it with you.
While, in general, plain sparkling water isn’t the worst thing for your beagle, it’s definitely not at the top of the list of healthy drinking. For beverages, plain old flat water is really the standard.
But if your beagle likes sparkling water? Is it all right to give it to regularly give it to them? I’ve dug in and gotten together all of the information that you need to help you decide. Keep on reading for more about the pros and cons of serving sparkling water to your dog.
Can Beagles Drink Sparkling Water?
The most important question, of course, is whether or not drinking sparkling water is safe for your beagle. The answer, generally speaking, is yes. There is nothing in plain sparkling water that is inherently harmful to their health.
There are a few things you need to watch out for, however. Plain sparkling water differs from club soda and other types of flavored waters. Unflavored sparkling water is distinct because it does not contain additional minerals or salt, nor does it have any additional ingredients such as natural or artificial fruit flavorings or sweeteners. It is very important that you read ingredients and confirm this before giving your dog a sip of sparkling water, because while the water and carbonation itself is not harmful to dogs, additional ingredients could be harmful.
This means that the most popular flavored brands of sparkling water are a big no-no for your pup, no matter how delicious you think they are.
The very short answer is that – yes, plain sparkling waters are safe for beagles and are not considered to be harmful, but you should never serve them any kind of flavored water or club soda.
The carbonation in sparkling water can affect every dog differently, so you should try and monitor them to see if the bubbles are doing more harm than good before making it a regular part of their diet.
What Are the Risks of Sparkling Water For Beagles?
Since we have already established that sparkling water is not toxic or dangerous to beagles, but that doesn’t mean it’s entirely risk-free for dogs.
This answer is a little more complicated as vets stress that there has not been much research on this subject. However, veterinarians agree that there is a possibility that the carbonation could cause problems in some dogs, and that if you do give your dog sparkling water, it should only be in very small quantities as a special treat.
Carbonation is a type of gas. Therefore, there is a concern that if a dog gets too much of it in his system, it could lead to a buildup of gas in his digestive system, causing stomach upsets like diarrhea, bloating, pain, and disrupting the natural flow of digestion.
One side effect I want to emphasize is bloating. Although bloat is more common among larger breeds of dogs, it has also been reported in smaller breeds such as beagles. Bloat occurs when there is a large amount of gas that fills the stomach quickly, which can in dire cases actually cause it to actually flip over. Most cases of bloat are attributed to eating too quickly, but it is possible that a large infusion of carbonation could have the same kind of effect.
Another important safety note: Do not ever serve your dog other carbonated beverages such as colas or beers. These drinks, whether “lite” or “regular” contain ingredients that can be deadly to dogs. Xylitol, an artificial sweetener found in many foods and drinks, is particularly dangerous. If your beagle accidentally gets into any other carbonated drink, you should call the veterinary poison hotline or your vet right away.
Benefits of Sparkling Water for Beagles
So, we’ve established that your fancy sparkling water is not toxic for your beagle and that there are some possible downsides to serving it. But, are there any benefits? This is a rather controversial question and you’re sure to hear lots of thoughts on both sides.
Carbonated water, and carbonated drinks in general, are widely touted as a digestive aid for humans who are experiencing nausea or digestive upsets. There are those people who believe that carbonated or sparkling water has the same effect on dogs. Researchers aren’t certain exactly why it is that carbonated drinks tend to calm nausea but the effect is widely reported.
If you do decide to give your beagle sparkling water for an upset stomach, it is best to start with a very small amount and see how your dog reacts to it. And it might not be a bad idea to check in with your vet if you have any questions.
As I mentioned above, even though flavored carbonated beverages like ginger ale are often recommended for humans experiencing nausea, you should always stick for unflavored carbonated water without any additional ingredients when serving it to your beagle.
Why Flat Water Is Best for Dogs
Dogs’ tissues, like humans, are made up largely of water. Proper hydration is necessary for every system in the body to operate efficiently. Conversely, dehydration – a state of having too-low levels of water in the body – is an extremely dangerous condition which can lead to serious organ damage – or even death – if it is left untreated.
Common signs of dehydration in beagles include:
- Loose skin
- Fatigue
- Loss of appetite
- Frequent panting
- Dizziness
The best type of liquid for hydrating for both you and your beagle is plain, flat water. Here are just a few of the benefits of hydration on your beagle’s body systems:
Flat water regulates body temperature more efficiently
Flat water goes into the digestive system and is quickly and easily assimilated and taken throughout the body. When it is hot outside, nothing will cool your beagle down as quickly as flat water.
Flat water is safe and necessary
First of all, flat water has no potentially dangerous added ingredients. When you serve your dog flat water, you already know the only ingredient is water so there are no concerns about sensitivities or reactions, as there are with carbonated water drinks.
Water keeps all of the body’s tissues fully hydrated.We all know how brittle and scaly dry skin feels, especially during the summer time. Water moisturizes these tissues. Water also helps to keep the tissues that cushion and lubricate the joints – cartilage and synovial fluid – keeping them pliable and resilient. This is important as keeping your dog hydrated will help lessen the effects of arthritis and other joint and mobility issues throughout their life.
Flat water regulates the inside of the body
Water helps to flush out waste. Drinking lots of water keeps waste and toxins moving efficiently through the body’s detox organs, such as liver and the kidneys. It also keeps the digestive system moving along, preventing constipation and other intestinal upsets.
Final Thoughts
We all love our beagles and want to give them a little summer treat every now and then. While sparkling water is a generally safe choice, it’s probably best served only in very small quantities on rare occasions. The potential for a bad reaction might outweigh the short-lived joy of a quick drink of La Croix.
If your dog likes carbonation, you might consider getting them a special treat like the specialty doggie “wines” or “beers.” There are several brands available in various flavors (like bacon!).
These drinks can be poured over kibble for a fantastic meal or served straight in the water bowl and you won’t have to worry about any potentially harmful ingredients.