Why Do Beagles Sleep On Their Backs?

beagle sleep on back

Beagles are known for being one of the cutest family dogs around, and there is nothing cuter than a beagle sleeping! Have you ever wondered why your beagle sleeps the way they do? Why do some dogs prefer one sleeping position over another?

Just like humans, you’ll find that while some beagles adopt one sleeping position and rarely change it up, others will frequently move around. Most, but not all, dogs can be found sleeping on their backs at least some of the time. This habit can start at any time, and I’ve seen it start when sleep training puppies. I’ve seen this raise a lot of questions from dog owners because it doesn’t seem natural, and looks a bit uncomfortable, but it’s actually perfectly normal. In fact, your dog’s sleeping position can actually tell you a lot about their personality and how they are feeling.

Why Do Beagles Sleep On Their Backs?

You’ll often catch a beagle asleep on its back. While it may not look very comfortable to us, for them there are numerous reasons that this is a positive sleeping experience. 

  • Temperature regulation

First of all, laying on their backs exposes a lot of body area, which feels nice and cool. If your beagle is laying on their back, they might be trying to cool off, which is why you’ll often find them in that position after they’ve tired themselves out from a bout of exercise and some time outside. My beagle tends to do this a lot to regulate his body temperature during the hot summer months.

  • A sign of trust

You should also know that if your beagle lays down on their back around you, it’s a good sign that they are comfortable in their home! Sleeping on the back is a more vulnerable position for animals, as it exposes their soft bellies. Dogs will show their bellies to other animals as a sign of submission in some cases. But it also demonstrates that they feel safe and secure in their environment and are not worried about any threats coming to them while they are sleeping in such a position. So, if your dog is comfortable sleeping that way around you, you can be assured that they feel very safe with you, and and that they consider you to be a part of their pack! A dog who is sleeping like this also tends to be in a very deep sleep.

  • For Comfort

Sleeping on their back can be very comfortable for some beagles as well. Depending on your dog’s age, health, body type and the sleeping surface, they can get quite creative with bending their bodies around for maximum comfort. Beagles are infamous for sleeping just about wherever and whenever they can, so once they have adjusted and made themselves comfortable, it’s off to slumberland! Sleeping on their backs allows them to really stretch out, which can feel great.

To continue from the point above about your dog feeling safe and secure with you, showing you his belly might also be a subtle (or not so subtle) hint that they’d like some affection from you! Showing you their belly means that you can bring them all the belly rubs that their little hearts desire. After all, beagles tend to crave attention as a breed.

A beagle who is not open to being patted or loved on at the moment will most likely pull into a more reserved, or closed type of sleeping position that does not invite contact.

These are just a few of the reasons some beagles sleep on their backs, of course. Beagles, like people, all have their own sleeping quirks and habits and for some, back sleeping is just one of those things that they prefer to do for whatever inscrutable reason.

Is It Bad for Beagles to Sleep On Their Backs?

Back sleeping is not bad for your beagle in itself. As mentioned above, there are numerous reasons that your dog might prefer this position some or all of the time. Even if it looks uncomfortable to us as humans, for your dog it’s probably a pretty comfy and restful way to lay!

 However, if your dog suddenly drastically changes the way that they sleep, or seems to be uncomfortable in a certain position, you’ll want to monitor them to make sure that they aren’t in any kind of pain. 
beagle cuddle

An injury or soreness could be making your dog switch sleeping positions to get comfortable. If you believe that could be the case, you should make a visit to your vet as soon as possible to rule out any sort of injury that could be bothering your dog. In most cases like this, the injury or soreness will also cause them to sit differently and walk differently, so you’ll want to note how they’re sleeping and compare it to what they do when awake, to try and get a better sense of what muscles or joints could be causing this change. 

Other Common Sleeping Positions for Beagles

Beagles can be quite the adorable sleepers and some of the positions they get into can be pretty entertaining. Just like sleeping on their backs, other sleeping positions can give you some insight into your beagle’s mood and health. A few of the more commonly seen sleeping positions for dogs include:

  • Superman

This is a classic snuggly beagle pose where the dog is stretched out comfortably on their stomach with their legs out in front of them, looking like they are ready to fly like Superman. When your dog sleeps like this, they are comfy but still somewhat alert and will easily awaken at a slight noise or disturbance. Some older dogs or dogs who have mobility issues will find this to be a comfortable position to sleep in.

  • Curled up in a ball

If a beagle curls up in a ball with its tail, paws and head tucked in, it indicates that he or she is feeling vulnerable for any number of reasons. First of all, sleeping this way helps to conserve body heat so you will almost always find dogs living outdoors or in colder climates sleeping like this. Secondly, however, it is a position that makes a dog less vulnerable to any threats from their environment. By hiding the vulnerable parts of their body, the dog who is doing this is prepared in case of some kind of attack. For this reason, dogs who are particularly anxious or under extraordinary stress will tend to sleep like this. Animals in shelters, for example, often sleep in this position, as it helps them to appear smaller and less noticeable. This is the least restful way for a dog to sleep and they are likely not in a deep sleep in this position.

However that is not always the case, and it could just be a position that your dog tends to enjoy, so you’ll want to consider all the factors like weather, and your dog’s mood while awake before fully assessing whether or not this is a bad position to be sleeping in.

  • Side sleeping

Side sleeping is another very common sleeping position for dogs. It’s sort of a cross between a back sleeper and a “Superman” in that, while your beagle may not be as relaxed as when they are sleeping on their back, they are still quite comfortable in their surroundings. This sleeping position exposes vulnerable parts of their body, which means that when you see them sleeping like this, you can bet that they are likely getting some much-deserved deep sleep. (It’s also optimal for cuddling their human or other furry friends!)

  • Crazy legs

This is a crazy looking variation of the back sleeping position in which a dog lays on his back with his or her legs spread out all over the place. His legs might be bent or resting in different directions or draped over furniture. The possibilities are endless. Again, this indicates that your dog has a level of trust and comfort with you and with their environment as they are leaving vulnerable parts of his body exposed. Many dogs who sleep like this are high-energy dogs. It almost looks as if they fell asleep in mid-run!

While it seems extremely uncomfortable to humans, dog joints work differently than ours, and as long as they are not bending due to an injury, the crazy legs position is also a safe one.

  • Back to back sleeping

If you’ve got two dogs, you already know how cute it is when they snuggle up together for a nap. Even cuter if they cuddle up with you! If your dog sleeps back to back with you or one of your other pets, you are a lucky owner! This is your dog’s way of showing affection and expressing that they feel safe and loving towards the other family members in their “pack.” So, if your dog wants to sleep next to you, consider yourself lucky and enjoy that companionship.

  • Burrowed under the blankets

My beagles love to do this whether they’re sleeping in their crate, on the couch, or in the bed with me. Beagles are natural burrowers, so if you have a lot of blankets around, they’ll likely love to burrow their heads underneath the blankets and sleep on their stomachs to feel safe.

Final Thoughts

We all want our pets to be healthy and happy, and a large part of keeping them that way is ensuring that they get quality sleep. By providing a warm, comfy place to bed down, you are greatly contributing to their well-being. It’s fascinating to see all the different ways that dogs will find to rest and how it can reflect on how they are feeling. Sleeping on their backs is one of the more common – and cuter – sleeping positions for beagles and definitely shows that your dog is comfortable and enjoying life.

Modern Beagle Team

I've been working with beagles and helping train dogs for years. I have a background in online journalism, and have decided to combine these two skills to help teach the world about their beagles!

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