Why Is My Beagle A Picky Eater?

why is my beagle a picky eater

Beagles are a popular breed of dog known for their intelligence, playful personalities, and distinctive howling. However, like many other small breeds, beagles can sometimes be picky eaters and may refuse to eat their regular food.

This behavior can be frustrating for owners and can lead to concerns about the beagle’s health and well-being. In this article, we will explore some common reasons why beagles may be picky eaters and provide tips for preventing and managing this behavior.

Are Beagles Pickier Than Other Dog Breeds?

It is difficult to say whether beagles are pickier than other dog breeds, as all dogs have their own individual preferences and behaviors when it comes to food.

Some beagles may be picky eaters, while others may be more food-motivated and willing to eat a variety of foods.

Beagles, like many other small breeds, have a high metabolism and may require more frequent meals to maintain their energy levels. This can make them more prone to food-related behaviors, such as begging or scavenging, which can lead to pickiness.

Additionally, beagles may be more susceptible to food allergies or digestive issues, which can affect their appetite and make them pickier about what they eat.

Why Are Beagles Picky Eaters? (Possible Reasons)


Boredom can be a common cause of a loss of appetite in both humans and animals. When a dog is not mentally stimulated, they may lose interest in eating and other activities.

Boredom is often a result of a lack of stimulation in a dog’s environment. If a beagle is not provided with enough toys, activities, or social interaction, they may become bored and lose interest in their surroundings.

A bored beagle may exhibit signs of restlessness, lethargy, or disinterest in their regular activities, including eating. They may also become more prone to destructive behavior or excessive vocalization as a way of seeking attention or stimulating their environment.

To prevent boredom and maintain a healthy appetite, it is important to provide beagles with a stimulating environment that meets their physical and mental needs.

This can include regular exercise, interactive toys, and social interaction with other animals or humans. Providing a varied and nutritious diet can also help to prevent boredom and maintain a healthy appetite.

Illness or Discomfort

Illness or discomfort can be a common cause of a loss of appetite in beagles. When an beagle is feeling unwell, they may not have the desire to eat due to nausea or pain.

Illness can be caused by a variety of factors, including infection, inflammation, or injury. When a beagle is sick, their body will often respond by releasing chemicals that can cause nausea or other gastrointestinal issues, which can lead to a decrease in appetite.

In addition to illness, discomfort can also cause a loss of appetite. If a beagle is experiencing pain or discomfort in any part of their body, they may not want to eat due to the pain. This can be due to conditions such as dental problems, arthritis, or other conditions that cause chronic pain.

To prevent a loss of appetite due to illness or discomfort, it is important to regularly monitor your beagle’s health and provide appropriate medical care.

This can include regular checkups with a veterinarian, as well as timely treatment for any illnesses or injuries that may occur. Providing a comfortable and stress-free environment can also help to prevent discomfort and maintain a healthy appetite.


Stress is a common cause of a loss of appetite in dogs. When a beagle is feeling stressed or anxious, they may not feel like eating due to the hormones released in their body during these emotional states.

Stress can be caused by a variety of factors, including changes in a beagle’s environment, physical discomfort, or social conflict. When a beagle is stressed, their body will release hormones such as cortisol, which can interfere with their digestive system and lead to a decrease in appetite.

In addition to a loss of appetite, beagles may also exhibit other signs of stress, such as pacing, excessive grooming, or changes in behavior.

They may also become more prone to illness or injury due to the immune-suppressing effects of stress.

To prevent stress and maintain a healthy appetite, it is important to provide beagles with a stable and comfortable environment. This can include providing a safe and secure space, as well as regular exercise and social interaction.

Providing a nutritious and varied diet can also help to support a beagle’s overall health and well-being.


Anxiety is a common cause of a loss of appetite in dogs. When a beagle is feeling anxious, they may not feel like eating due to the hormones released in their body during this emotional state.

One specific type of anxiety that can affect beagles is separation anxiety. Separation anxiety occurs when a beagle becomes anxious or distressed when separated from their owner or primary caregiver. This can be a common problem in beagles that are highly attached to their owners.

Separation anxiety can cause a variety of symptoms, including a loss of appetite. A beagle with separation anxiety may refuse to eat when their owner is not present, or may exhibit other signs of anxiety, such as pacing or excessive vocalization.

To prevent separation anxiety and maintain a healthy appetite, it is important to provide beagles with a stable and comfortable environment.

This can include providing a safe and secure space, as well as regular exercise and social interaction. Providing a nutritious and varied diet can also help to support a beagle’s overall health and well-being. Additionally, implementing a consistent routine and gradually introducing the beagle to short periods of separation can help to reduce anxiety and promote a healthy appetite.

Old Age

Old age can be a common cause of a loss of appetite in dogs. As beagles get older, their metabolic rate slows down, which can result in a decrease in appetite.

In addition to a slower metabolism, old age can also cause changes in a beagle’s body that can affect their appetite. For example, older beagles may have reduced senses of smell and taste, which can make food less appealing to them. They may also have dental problems or other age-related conditions that can make it difficult or painful for them to eat.

To prevent a loss of appetite due to old age, it is important to provide older beagles with a healthy and nutritious diet. This can include high-quality senior-specific pet food, as well as regular checkups with a veterinarian to monitor their overall health and well-being. Providing a comfortable and stress-free environment can also help to promote a healthy appetite in older beagles.

Food Allergies

Food allergies are a common cause of a loss of appetite in dogs. If a beagle is allergic to a certain food, they may not want to eat it, even if it is their favorite food.

Food allergies are caused by an immune response to a specific protein or ingredient in the beagle’s diet. When a beagle is exposed to this protein or ingredient, their immune system will produce antibodies to attack it, which can cause symptoms such as itching, swelling, or gastrointestinal distress.

In some cases, an beagles may develop an allergy to a food they have been eating without any problems for a long time. This is known as a food allergy “flare-up” and can cause a sudden onset of symptoms, including a loss of appetite.

To prevent a loss of appetite due to food allergies, it is important to identify the food that is causing the allergy and eliminate it from the beagle’s diet.

This may require working with a veterinarian to perform allergy testing and develop a suitable diet plan. Providing a nutritious and varied diet that does not contain the allergens can help to support a beagle’s overall health and prevent a loss of appetite.

Side Effects From Medicine

Side effects from medicine can be a common cause of a loss of appetite in beagles. Some medications can cause nausea or other gastrointestinal issues, which can lead to a decrease in appetite.

Beagles are commonly prescribed medications for a variety of conditions, such as infections, allergies, or chronic conditions. While these medications can be effective at treating the underlying condition, they can also cause side effects that can affect the beagle’s appetite.

Common side effects of medications that can cause a loss of appetite in beagles include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or stomach pain. These side effects can make the beagle feel unwell and lose interest in eating.

To prevent a loss of appetite due to side effects from medication, it is important to closely monitor the beagle’s response to the medication and consult with a veterinarian if any concerning symptoms arise.

In some cases, switching to a different medication or adjusting the dosage may be necessary to prevent side effects and maintain a healthy appetite. It is also important to provide the beagle with a nutritious and varied diet to support their overall health during treatment.

They’re Distracted By Better Food

Another reason for a loss of appetite in beagles is if they are distracted by better food. If a beagle is offered a new, more appealing food, they may lose interest in their regular food.

Beagles, like many other breeds, can be picky eaters and may become bored with their regular diet if it is not varied or nutritious. If a beagle is offered a new, more appealing food, they may become more interested in the new food and lose interest in their regular food.

This can be particularly common in beagles that are fed a low-quality or monotonous diet. If a beagle is not provided with a varied and nutritious diet, they may become more interested in other sources of food, such as human food or scavenged food.

To prevent a loss of appetite due to distraction by better food, it is important to provide beagles with a varied and nutritious diet. This can include offering a variety of high-quality beagle-specific pet foods, as well as incorporating healthy treats and fresh ingredients into their diet.

Additionally, providing regular exercise and mental stimulation can help to prevent boredom and maintain a healthy appetite in beagles.

Dental issues/Pain in Their Mouths

Dental issues or pain in the mouth can also cause a loss of appetite in beagles. If a beagle is experiencing pain or discomfort in their mouth, they may not want to eat due to the pain.

Beagles, like many other breeds, are prone to dental problems due to their small size and the shape of their teeth. Overcrowding and misalignment of the teeth can lead to dental issues such as tooth decay, gum disease, and abscesses.

These conditions can cause pain and discomfort in the beagle’s mouth, which can lead to a loss of appetite.

In addition to dental issues, other conditions that can cause pain in the mouth, such as oral tumors or mouth injuries, can also lead to a loss of appetite in beagles.

To prevent a loss of appetite due to dental issues or pain in the mouth, it is important to provide beagles with regular dental care. This can include brushing their teeth regularly, providing dental-specific treats and chews, and regular checkups with a veterinarian to monitor their oral health.

Treating any dental issues or mouth pain promptly can help to prevent a loss of appetite and maintain the beagle’s overall health and well-being.

They’re Testing You

Lastly, beagles may lose their appetite if they are testing you. Some beagles may try to see how much control they have over their environment, including their food, and may refuse to eat as a way of testing their boundaries.

Beagles, like many other breeds, are intelligent and curious animals that can be eager to explore and learn about their environment.

Some beagles may become curious about their owner’s behavior and may test their boundaries to see how they can influence their surroundings.

One way that beagles may test their boundaries is by refusing to eat their regular food. Beagles may try to see if their owners will give them something more appealing in place of their regular food, or if their owners will give in and provide them with something special.

To prevent a loss of appetite due to testing, it is important to maintain a consistent routine and not give in to the beagle’s requests for special treats or food.

Providing a varied and nutritious diet can also help to prevent boredom and maintain the beagle’s interest in their regular food.

Additionally, providing regular exercise and mental stimulation can help to prevent boredom and maintain a healthy appetite in beagles.

How To Get Your Beagle To Eat More Regularly

Provide a varied and nutritious diet

Beagles, like all dogs, require a balanced and nutritious diet to support their overall health and well-being. Providing a varied diet that includes high-quality beagle-specific pet food, as well as healthy treats and fresh ingredients, can help to prevent boredom and maintain a healthy appetite.

Implement a consistent feeding routine

Beagles may be more likely to eat regularly if they are fed at the same time each day. Implementing a consistent feeding routine can help to establish a regular eating pattern and prevent the beagle from becoming overly hungry or picky.

Avoid feeding table scraps

Beagles, like many other breeds, can be prone to begging for food and may become picky if they are fed table scraps or human food. Avoid feeding the beagle table scraps or other types of human food, and instead provide them with a balanced and nutritious diet that meets their specific nutritional needs.

Provide regular exercise and mental stimulation

Beagles are active and intelligent dogs that require regular exercise and mental stimulation to maintain their health and well-being. Providing the beagle with regular exercise and interactive toys can help to prevent boredom and maintain a healthy appetite.

Consult with a veterinarian

If the beagle’s pickiness persists or if there are concerns about their health or well-being, it is important to consult with a veterinarian.

A veterinarian can provide guidance on the beagle’s diet and overall health, and can help to identify any underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to the pickiness.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, beagles can sometimes be picky eaters and may refuse to eat their regular food. This behavior can be frustrating for owners and can lead to concerns about the beagle’s health and well-being. Understanding the common causes of pickiness in beagles and implementing strategies to prevent and manage this behavior can help to maintain the beagle’s healthy appetite and overall health.

By providing a varied and nutritious diet, implementing a consistent feeding routine, avoiding feeding table scraps, providing regular exercise and mental stimulation, and consulting with a veterinarian, owners can help to prevent pickiness and maintain a healthy appetite in their beagle.

Modern Beagle Team

I've been working with beagles and helping train dogs for years. I have a background in online journalism, and have decided to combine these two skills to help teach the world about their beagles!

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