Differences Between Beagles and Dachshunds

beagle vs dachshund

Both beagles and dachshunds have many similarities as well as a lot of differences, and they each have a long history of being good hunting dogs. They’re also great around children which makes them a good option for many families around the world, and they’re highly protective as well. Overall the beagle and dachshund get along very well with other pets, and they’re extremely friendly.

But beagles and dachshunds are very different dogs in a lot of ways, which means you have to be careful and have good knowledge when caring for each dog separately. With that being said, let’s have a look at some of the most important differences between these two dog breeds.

Overview of Beagles 

The beagle is known as a small size hound breed, and they’re unfortunately not known for being easy to train, but they’re one of the cutest and friendliest dogs you can own. They’re also loud and have a high-pitched bark, which some people might not be a fan of.

They’re very popular in North America and have been consistently ranked in the top ten most owned breeds. They’re also not known to be very large dogs, but they do make great hunting dogs because of their highly instinctive skills and very sensitive ability to track scents.

Overview of Dachshunds 

Dachshunds are also small size hounds and hunters as well. They’re often referred to as wiener dogs because of their long and narrow bodies, which resemble a hot dog. They’re much smaller than beagles, but have a lot of similar personality characteristics because they are closely related as breeds.

These dogs were originally bred to hunt small animals like badgers, which is where their name comes from in German. These dogs are very good at digging, and they’re also the smallest dog breed that is used for hunting. They make really great pets and are extremely friendly and playful, which is perfect for families with children or seniors.

Temperament and Behavior

Beagles are extremely friendly and gentle dogs, but at times they can have some temper issues and show signs of aggression, as they are prone to separation anxiety.

On the whole, they get along very well with other dogs breeds, and they have a lot of energy. They make great family pets because they love to be surrounded by a lot of people, and they love attention and interaction from people. Because these dogs are friendly and small, they aren’t often used as guard dogs, but their sense of loud bark gives a lot of people comfort knowing that beagles are looking out to protect their homes. 

Beagles are also great for people that love being outside because beagles love to use their sense of smell. Beagles will usually enjoy outdoor activities like swimming, hiking, and running.

Like beagles, dachshunds are intelligent dogs with a very playful attitude. They’re also very brave, because after all they were bred to fight badgers in dark holes in the ground. They are very aware of their surroundings, and aren’t afraid to bark to signal if something is wrong.

These breeds are both very affectionate, and they can be particularly needy at times. These dogs demand much of your attention, especially when they’re younger. 

So if you own either of these dog breeds, it’s not recommended that you leave them at home alone for too long. 

Dachshunds are very intelligent, and they’re quick to learn (arguably quicker to learn than beagles). Because of this trait, they’re very popular because of how easy they’re to train. 

Like beagles, dachshunds can be stubborn, but if you employ the right training techniques and establish dominance, you should have no trouble. I’ll get into the specifics of intelligence and training ability next. 

Intelligence and Training Ability

beagle hot weather

Beagles are very cute, but they’re not considered to be a smart dog (though I tend to disagree) and this can make them very difficult to train. 

So for people who own this dog it can get frustrating sometimes because beagles don’t tend to obey until you’ve established dominance properly. I believe that beagles are actually smarter than we give them credit for because of their great hunting ability, which is a special type of intelligence that many other dog breeds don’t possess.

Because of the way they were bred, beagles are great work dogs and take pride in their tasks. If you can help train a beagle with a sense of purpose, you’ll be surprised at their ability to pay attention and obey.

Dachshunds are generally viewed to be more intelligent than beagles, which also makes them easier to train. This is why they’re a very popular dog to own for most people around the world. They’re easier to train when they’re happy and active, so it’s important to be very playful with this dog in order to make the training process smoother.

Like beagles, dachshunds are extremely food motivated, so using food and treats can be a great way to help dachshunds learn new tricks, commands, and skills.

Price and Availability

Beagles originated from England, but they’re available in most parts of the world nowadays. They have been around in America for a very long time now, and they have also grown to become one of the most popular pets. 

The normal price range for this breed in the United States is around $800 to $1500. And of course there are other expenses like feeding and caring for the dog which adds to the price. But overall they’re worth it. If you don’t want to go with a reputable breeder, I highly encourage rescuing or adopting. Because beagles are so popular in the US, they can be pretty easy to find at most shelters if you look hard enough.

Dachshunds are originally from the country of Germany, but they’re also available worldwide. They’re known to have arrived in America in the 1800s and soon became one of America’s favorite dog breeds. These dogs were originally brought to America for their ability to hunt small animals, but Americans quickly fell in love with their friendliness and cute looks. So they quickly became a household pet in many people’s homes.

The normal price range for these breeds in the United States is around $200 to $1,000. So they’re generally less expensive than a beagle, but just as cute. However the price of the dog will vary greatly depending on the age of the pet, quality of the parents, health of the dog, and the breeder’s reputation.

Just as with beagles, adopting or rescuing will greatly reduce the up front costs for these dogs. 

Health and Lifespan

dachshund vs beagle

The typical lifespan for beagles tends to be around 12 -15 years, but depends mostly on genetics. This makes these dogs one of the oldest living dog breeds in the world, but it also has a lot to do with how an owner cares for their dog as well. It goes without saying but in order to maximize the years of your dog, you need to know exactly how to care for them. This includes supporting them with a healthy diet, regular amounts of exercise, and frequent visits to the vet for preventative care.

Preventative care is important, because beagles are prone to certain types of ailments. They have common tail, ear, and eye problems, but are also susceptible to more serious conditions like hip dysplasia, epilepsy, and certain types of digestive disorders. 

The typical lifespan of dachshunds is pretty similar, ranging from around 12 – 16 years, which also makes them one of the oldest living dog breeds in the world. However like any other dog, genetics have a lot to do with that number as well.

These dogs are a little different to care for than other dogs, because of their longer and narrow bodies. They need to be regularly monitored and cared for because of their predisposition for intervertebral disc disease. Because of this predisposition, it’s important for you to help them maintain a healthy weight, so they won’t have to put much pressure and stress on their spine. You as an owner should get familiar with the symptoms of IVDD, so you can care for your dachshunds a lot more effectively.

Because we’re a beagle-focused site, you may want some more information on dachshunds. If you are looking for somewhere to start, I highly recommend checking out this video from the American Kennel Club below:

Final Thoughts

Overall, both the beagle and the dachshund are great dogs to own. They each have their own advantages and disadvantages. So if you’re looking for a great small dog with a powerful sense of smell, you can’t go wrong with either of them. 

Most importantly, you need to make sure you know how to care for each dog because they both require special care that’s unique to their breed. 

If you’d like to learn more about what it takes to care for beagles, feel free to look around this site. Here at Modern Beagle we’ve put our years of experience as beagle owners into these helpful posts to prepare anyone to be the best beagle owners that they can be.

Modern Beagle Team

I've been working with beagles and helping train dogs for years. I have a background in online journalism, and have decided to combine these two skills to help teach the world about their beagles!

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