Can Beagles Eat Mango?

can beagles eat mango

Determining which fruits are safe for your beagles to eat can be a little tricky. You always want to be incredibly cautious, especially because certain fruits like grapes and cherries can be particularly harmful for beagles and all types of dogs.

When it comes to mangos however, beagles can absolutely eat them with no real problems. They do however have one of the highest sugar contents out of any natural fruits, so you should always give them to your beagle in moderation as a high value reward, so that they don’t get too much sugar in their diets.

Because they are so sweet, mangos make for a great type of training treat, as beagle’s will be able to concentrate all of their energy on trying to earn this reward.

In this article, I’ll break down the benefits of mangos, any side effects like allergies that you may want to look out for, and how to best feed mangos to your beagle.

Benefits of Mangos for Beagles

There are numerous benefits for beagles to eat mangos aside from being a sweet reward. These include:

1. Mangos Are High in Natural Fiber

Fiber is incredibly important for dogs. It allows them to keep their bowel movements moving smoothly, so that they don’t get constipated. The fiber in mangos can help your beagle remain regular and keep more dangerous health problems like canine diabetes at bay.

There are no specific fiber requirements for dogs like there are for humans, but you should monitor your dog’s bathroom processes and hydration levels to get a better idea of their fiber needs.

The average whole mango has about 5 grams of fiber, which is a fifth of a humans daily recommended amount.

For my beagles, when I treat them I like to give them just a few slices, or at most half of a mango as a really special treat. Fiber is also great for beagles that eat too much and are overweight, as it can help curb excessive hunger and regulate blood sugar levels.

2. Mangos Are A Good Source Of Vitamin A

Beagles are prone to having eye problems, particularly cataracts and glaucoma. Vitamin A is a very important nutrient that helps dogs maintain healthy eye sight and can also help prevent more serious issues from occurring down the road.

Mangos have a significant amount of their daily requirement of Vitamin A, which according to the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) is about 5000 UI of Vitamin A per kilogram of food for an adult dog.

An average whole mango fruit is about 336 grams in volume, and has a whopping 3,636 IU of Vitamin A, making it nearly 70% of a dog’s daily Vitamin A requirement.

3. Mangos Have High Levels Of Antioxidants

The antioxidant content in mangos is surprisingly high, and they’re very important for dogs. According to the VCA Animal Hospital, antioxidants neutralize the effects of chronic inflammation.

This can help to prevent and treat a variety of inflammatory conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, skin allergies, and asthma.

The most abundant antioxidant is vitamin E, which is a particularly useful antioxidant for disease and infection prevention.

4. Mangos Are Rich In Potassium

Potassium is the fourth most abundant mineral in mangos that can be found in the fruit. It’s good for maintaining healthy blood pressure and heart function, with a recommended intake of 5,000 mg per day for dogs.

This can help to prevent blood clotting and hypertension, and can also be used to help improve dogs’ nerve and muscle functions.

5. Mangos Are High In Vitamin C

This vitamin is popularly known as an antioxidant that boosts a dog’s immune system and helps to support it. It’s particularly useful for dogs that have weakened immune systems or are fully immunocompromised, whether by medical condition or by medication.

Vitamin C is often found in most fortified dog foods and dog treats, but mangos can be a great way to supplement that to ensure your beagle is getting the right level of vitamins that they need.

Risks of Eating Mango for Beagles

Mangos don’t really come with a lot of associated risks, but of course anything in excess can be harmful to any dog’s health. There are a few key risks that while rare, should be looked out for with caution. They include:

1. Mango Skin Can Be Difficult For Dogs To Digest

The skin of a mango can be problematic for dogs because it’s very difficult for them to digest. It’s too tough and fibrous for their digestive systems, so while mangos are safe to eat, the peel should always be removed before serving them to your beagle.

This is especially important since your dog may try and eat the peel off of the fruit anyways, so it’s best to avoid any type of potential intestinal damage by taking care of that step for them.

While the skin does have some health benefits, you’re better off playing it safe and sticking with the pulp of the fruit and not serving the peel at all.

2. Mangos Have A Lot Of Sugar

As mentioned above, mangos have one of the highest sugar content levels out of all fruits that dogs can eat.

While they are high in fiber, it doesn’t entirely cancel out the natural sugars that are packed into mango (especially dried mango, which tends to have more sugar).

If unchecked, this excess sugar can cause digestive discomfort for your beagle, and in the long term it can contribute to hazardous health conditions like type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

Because beagles are extremely food-motivated and tend to overeat, if you give them access to mangos make sure it’s as a high value treat, and only served in moderation.

The sugar in mangos can also contribute to dental decay, which can cause a lot of problems for your beagle, and may require vet and specialist dental veterinarian visits.

3. Mango Pits Can Be Choking Hazards

In addition to the skin, mango pits are also a potential choking hazard for dogs. Be sure to take all precautions when serving mangos to your beagle, and make sure they don’t have access to any of the pits.

This also includes taking care not to give them whole slices with pits intact that they could potentially swallow or choke on.

4. Beagles Can Be Allergic To Mangos

It’s also possible that beagles can be allergic to mangos. While common allergies and food sensitivities in dogs are often associated with ingredients like beef, chicken, or eggs, mango can also be a potential trigger.

There are some more common signs of mango allergy in a beagle that you should know about and look out for if you’re going to give them these treats or use the fruit as a training reward.

The most common signs of food allergies is through reactions in their skin. Your beagle will likely be much itchier than normal, and will scratch around their neck and ears in clear discomfort.

If you notice this right after feeding your beagle mango, you should probably avoid the fruit altogether.

How to Feed Your Beagle Mangos

Beagles are notorious for being difficult dogs to train, but they’re very food-motivated, so it can work to your advantage. Because of this, you can actually use mangos as a training reward during your dog’s training sessions.

When they’ve completed a training exercise, you can give them their mango reward, no matter how small the reward is.

This will give them a blast of the good feelings that mangos bring and reinforce what they’ve just learned.

There are a few key ways you can prepare mangos if you’re trying to incorporate the fruit into their standard meals. These include:

  • If you’re not planning on making any of your own dog treats, try chopping up the mango and serving it raw with a little bit of salt to flavor. If you’re making a homemade treat, it’s best to avoid the seeds and pits, since they can be difficult for your dog to digest.
  • You can also freeze mangos into cubes if you want to prepare them ahead of time. This will make them more convenient for serving when you want to reward or train your beagle.
  • A third option is to make mango baby food for your dog. If you have a favorite baby food recipe that you like to use for your own infant, try substituting the regular ingredients with ripe mangos. A pureed mango baby food is a great way to feed this sweet treat to your dog without having the worry about too much sugar and other ingredients that are linked to allergies.
  • Lastly, you can use a grater to have finely cut shreds of mangos on top of your dog’s food. This is a great way to add sweetness and a fun texture change that your dog will enjoy.

Best Mango Treats for Beagles

Fruitables Skinny 5 Ounce Minis Pumpkin & Mango Soft & Chewy Dog Treats

Fruitables Skinny 5 Ounce Minis Pumpkin & Mango Soft & Chewy Dog Treats

These treats are a great dog treat for your beagle. They’re 100% natural, with no fillers, and as they are made in their own facility, they’re free from any harmful artificial colors and flavors.

What I like most about these for my beagles is that because they’re mixed with pumpkin, I know that my beagles aren’t getting too much sugar from the mango content of the treat.

Additionally, they’re very low calorie, so I don’t have to worry about giving them too many when they’re on a roll with our training sessions.

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Honey I’m Home All Natural, Honey Coated Buffalo 4 Inch Mango Jerky Treats
honey I'm home mango jerky

My dogs LOVE these jerky treats. The savory flavors from the buffalo combined with the sweet flavors of the mango make them absolutely bonkers, and extremely attentive with anticipation whenever we use them for training.

I’ve also noticed that the fact that these are made from natural ingredients is a big factor in why they’re so great for my dogs, as many of the other snacks we use on them tend to make them all itchy and uncomfortable.

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Thousand Lakes Freeze Dried Mango Slices

Thousand Lakes Freeze Dried Fruits and Vegetables - Mango
You can’t go wrong with freeze dried when it comes to dog treats. Freeze dried is a great way to preserve the integrity of the fruit and keep the natural flavor completely intact. It’s also the perfect consistency for long-lasting, teeth cleaning chewing from your dog.

These freeze dried mango treat slices are made with high quality mangos, so you know they’re natural and extremely tasty for your dog. You can give them to your beagle as treats or as a training reward, or you can even use them in homemade dog food recipes.

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Final Thoughts

Mangos are a delicious treat that can be a great way to train your beagle, but it’s important that you take all necessary precautions to avoid any potential risks. The most important safety measure is to make sure they don’t have access to the seeds, skin, or pits of the fruit.

Avoid overfeeding mangos or using them as a frequent treat since they can contribute to dental issues and other health problems in beagles. The best way to use them is as a training reward, so keep this in mind as you’re giving your beagle mangos.

If you decide to try the fruit on purpose for your beagle, make sure you give them their other regular meals and treats before or after giving any mangos. This will help prevent any unwanted reactions between the two and keep all of their regular staple foods in balance.

Modern Beagle Team

I've been working with beagles and helping train dogs for years. I have a background in online journalism, and have decided to combine these two skills to help teach the world about their beagles!

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