How To Tell If Your Beagle Is Getting Sick (Common Cold)

beagle cold

When you are a beagle owner that sweet little pup can be such an important part of your life. This is why you should always try and do your best to take care of those your beagle the best that you can. This ranges from knowing the things your beagles likes the most to knowing when your beagle isn’t feeling their best, and when it’s right to take them into the vet

A common problem that a lot of pet owners have is being able to tell just how sick their beagles are. There are so many different possibilities out there that it can start to get overwhelming. That’s why we’ve written this article to give you a little bit of knowledge to take even better care of your beagle.

What Types of Colds Can Beagles Get?

Dogs can get a few different types of common colds and illnesses. Each of these different types of illnesses have different symptoms that come along with them. One issue is that some of the symptoms can belong to more than one different type of illness, making understanding what type of illness your beagle has more difficult. A few of the illnesses that beagles can get are:

  • Common Cold: They tend to have symptoms that are similar to that of humans. Such as increased fatigued, runny nose, cough, and watery eyes.
  • Canine Flu: This type of flu has a lot of the same symptoms as the common cold but comes with the addition of vomiting and fever, similar to a human flu.
  • Parasites: Like the two above, parasites can disguise themselves as a cold or flu because the same symptoms can be seen. However parasites will also more drastically affect your beagle’s energy levels and digestion.
  • Fungal Infection: A fungal infection has the baseline symptoms but can also add difficulty breathing and skin lesions.
  • Bronchitis: Things to look out for with Bronchitis is difficulty breathing, coughing, or wheezing for a long period of time.
  • Canine Distemper: This can start with watery discharge from your dog’s eyes and move into more common cold type symptoms. This also comes with loss of appetite and labored breathing
  • Kennel Cough: Kennel cough tends to mimic that of bronchitis or an upper respiratory infection. If left untreated, it can turn into a more serious form of pneumonia, especially if a fever is also in play.


What are Common Cold Symptoms for Beagles?

Common cold symptoms for beagles can be a lot like common cold symptoms for humans. Although the symptoms may be the same, dogs might not react the same way that humans do. 

Each dog may react in their own way, but there are a few types of behaviors to look out for. Some of the symptoms are:

  • A Runny Nose: Dogs noses are typically wet, but you can tell a runny nose in a dog because it will be far more wet and even drippy.
  • Congestion: This one is much the same as a humans congestion, and you’ll notice your beagle having a hard time sniffing.
  • Coughing: This symptoms is also easily identified, because it is much like a humans coughing.
  • Decreased Hunger: Your beagle won’t be interested as much by food.
  • Decreased Activity: Your Beagle won’t be interested by doing any sort of activities that they normally enjoy, and will show signs of fatigue.
  • Sneezing: This symptoms is also easily identified. It sounds just like how a human sneezes, or in a beagle’s case, snorts.
  • Increased Sleeping: Your beagle will be sleeping a lot more than they normally do, which is paired with that decreased activity.

If you notice that your Beagle is having a harder time with any of the above symptoms it is usually a good idea to make sure that they are getting everything they need in terms of nutrients and hydration. 

If you can’t seem to make them feel better or if the symptoms won’t go away for a couple of days, you should consider bringing them in for a check-up from their vet. 

What is Kennel Cough?

beagle sick

Like I mentioned above, kennel cough is one of the specific kinds of illnesses that a dog can get. Kennel cough is defined as a highly contagious respiratory disease in dogs. Kennel cough gets its name from the fact that the disease is highly contagious is mostly common in kennels where lots of dogs are close together, so the disease is easily spread from one dog to another.

This disease is treatable and most dogs recover. It can be worse in puppies or dogs with an already compromised immune system. With that and the fact that a lot of the symptoms for kennel cough can also be found in the common cold, it is always important to make sure that you are taking your beagle to the veterinarian regularly to be viewed by professionals to make sure that all illnesses are getting treated and all vaccinations are up to date. Each illness has a specific medication or treatment method to make sure that your beagle is getting and staying healthy. 

How to Prevent Your Beagle From Getting Sick

One of the best things that you can do for your beagle is working hard to prevent them from getting sick in the first place. 

There are a few ways that you can do this. One of the best ways to do this is to vaccinate your dog against the illnesses that are preventable, like worms and certain types of influenzas. When your dog gets the vaccines they need it helps tremendously to fight off these illnesses.

Besides getting your beagle the vaccines they need, another great way to prevent your dog from getting sick is to keep them away from other animals that are sick. If there is an outbreak of any type of dog illness in your town, it is for the best that you and your dog avoid public places to keep your dog from getting sick.

Keeping your dog fed with essential vitamins and minerals is another good way to ensure that they have a healthy immune system that is equipped to fight off viruses.

How Are Colds Treated in Dogs?

If your beagle does get sick for whatever reason there are a few ways that you can treat their cold. A big part of dogs getting better from a cold is to make sure that they are warm, comfortable, and getting plenty of rest, just like for humans. Allowing your dog to get plenty of uninterrupted sleep is very important for getting over a cold. Other ways that you can help your dogs get better from a cold are:

  • Make sure your dog is drinking enough water
  • Give them healthy foods like chicken and rice. These can be easy to digest.
  • Let your pup rest for as long as they need.
  • Give your beagle a dog-friendly multivitamin every day.
  • Make sure your dog is warm and dry, and not exposed to cold weather.
  • Using honey and coconut in your dog’s food can help to fight infections.
  • Give your dog some reassuring love so that they feel safe and cared for.
  • Ask your vet if the cold persists for more than a couple of weeks.
  • Watch their symptoms closely over time to make sure they don’t get worse.
  • Wipe away any nasal discharge and use a dog-safe balm on chapped noses.
  • You can also use a mist humidifier to help them with their congestion.

The biggest part of helping your dog to get better from a cold or illness is to make sure that they are comfortable, warm, and are getting plenty of sleep. When dogs get sick they tend to isolate themselves and refuse to eat. Making sure that they are around people, feeling loved, and are getting enough food and water can really help your beagle to get better soon. Additionally, you should do your best to monitor your beagle’s symptoms, and take them into the vet if as soon as they start to get worse. 

Final Thoughts

Your Beagle is an important and loved member of your family, and it can be hard to see them get sick. Knowing what kind of illness it might be, how to help that illness, and even how to prevent certain illnesses is important as a beagle owner. 

It is also important to know that getting regular check-ups from the veterinarian is essential in keeping your beagle healthy. The professionals have the answers to any questions you may have so don’t be afraid to double check with them to make sure that your beagle is getting the best care possible.

Modern Beagle Team

I've been working with beagles and helping train dogs for years. I have a background in online journalism, and have decided to combine these two skills to help teach the world about their beagles!

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