How Much Exercise Should A Beagle Puppy Get?

beagle puppy exercise

While the Beagle is often thought of as the quintessential house dog, many people don’t know that they have extremely high exercise requirements, among other potential dealbreakers. Make no mistake, exercise is a key need for beagles.

These are seriously athletic dogs, bred from the beginning for hunting. An adult beagle can run about 20 miles per hour, and wants to do so. It’s quite difficult to over-exercise a grown beagle, in fact; they’ll be able to keep up with the average human with no issue whatsoever. If they don’t get their exercise, they may become destructive, get attitude problems, bay and howl, and even try to escape their home.

Things can be complicated with a young beagle during training, however, simply because overdoing it with exercising a puppy can lead to serious problems. This leaves owners of beagle puppies with a bit of a conundrum; how much exercise is enough? How much is too much?

At What Age Can Beagle Puppies Start Going for Walks?

Beagle puppies, like many other breeds, take about six weeks to wean. This is when they’ll start showing the full measure of energy from their daily feedings, since their little systems are now ready for more food. While small walks around the outside of the house are okay for most dogs as early as two or three weeks of age, there’s an important factor to consider in going any further; vaccinations.

Most types of puppies, beagles included, cannot be vaccinated until they’re at least six weeks old, and that’s just for the first round of vaccinations. Most vets recommend that puppies don’t start going on outdoor walks until 10 to 14 days after their final vaccination. This is usually around the three to four month old mark for most pups, but it can vary depending on when your first round of vaccines begin.

Longer walks may have to wait a while still, and how long that will be depends on a number of factors. Beagles are a standard-size breed that’s got a somewhat low center of gravity to make it easier to move silently and track prey. This means that taking them on long excursions before they’re ready can lead to some serious joint trouble, and can put extra stress on their cardiovascular and circulatory systems, which comes with its own set of issues.

At around the six month mark, your beagle should be developed enough to start going for regular, standard length dog walks a couple of times a day. But you’ll want to gradually get up to that mark.

At What Age Can Beagle Puppies Start Running? 

Going for a walk is a great form of exercise for any dog, but many breeds require more intense exercise. Beagles are one of those breeds, and as hunting dogs, running is their bread and butter. 

Still, you have to be careful about when you start letting a beagle puppy run regularly. It will no doubt try to run with or without your encouragement from an early age, but starting too early and too vigorously can lead to serious complications.

A beagle puppy, like many other puppies, is usually ready to begin running for regular exercise around the six month mark. A six-month old beagle puppy still has some growing joints and bones, though, so don’t overdo it. You can watch for all the signs indicated above to figure out if you’re running your pup too much.

Another potential issue with beginning to run is muscle pain. A dog in pain isn’t hard to spot, and a sudden-onset pain like a pulled muscle or sprained joint is even more obvious. Injured puppies may refuse to eat or drink,  limp, and will show much less energy. Their mood will also take a dive, and they may become crabby, if not downright snappy.

There’s a line to be drawn when it comes to calling in the experts. If your puppy shows signs of an injury, or gets hurt while out and about, it’s definitely time to get help from a vet. On a related note, if you can’t seem to nail down an optimal exercise routine for your pup, you may want to consider consulting with a dog trainer. 

Obviously at six months old beagle puppies will still be a little stubborn, and will pull on the leash quite a bit. You’ll want to start them off slow and steady before expecting them to keep up with you as a runner. 

How Long Should You Walk A Six-Month Old Beagle Puppy For?

Six months is a magical age for most dog breeds to start walking regularly. It’s when their growth hits its stride, and the puppies start to actually look quite similar to their adult counterparts in shape and size. 

Some breeds may even begin reaching their adult size range within this time frame. That does not necessarily mean that a six-month old beagle puppy is ready for the same type of regimen as an adult dog.

In terms of distance for walking, it’s a bit of a trial and error experience. Try bringing your dog out for short ten to fifteen minute walks, and if they still have lots of energy, try upping the time to twenty or thirty minutes. Beagles are notoriously stubborn, and they will never be afraid to let you know if they’re being overworked.

What Are The Different Types Of Acceptable Exercise For Beagle Puppies?

beagle swimming

There are a wide range of exercise types that young beagles may take well to. Some types of exercise may show better results than others. Keep in mind that beagles need mental and physical stimulation to be intense, and take place often. Like any dog, they love to walk, run, and play. Since they’re bred for hunting, you can also begin training them for that and scent tracking from an early age.

Beagles can be great in agility courses as well, because their center of gravity makes them agile and swift. They’re great climbers and jumpers, and can expend a lot of energy with the right agility course.

Running or hiking should be done in short bursts, usually interspersed with walks or at the puppy’s leisure. Dog parks are a great place for this, though you should be mindful of other dogs and how your puppy may interact with them. Once you’ve picked a venue, fetch and chase games work great for giving beagles puppies the exercise they need.

Since Beagles are hunting dogs, using muscle-building and jaw-conditioning toys like dental ropes and hard chew toys can also be helpful. Playing tug-of-war with these toys can help build endurance and muscle tone, all with minimal pressure on the puppy’s sensitive joints.

Swimming can also be a great way for your beagles to work on their cardio and muscle training. Beagles are great in shallow rivers, but I personally like to take mine to the beach. As long as you supervise them closely, beagles can have a ton of fun exercising in the water.

Safety Tips For Beagle Puppy Exercise

Beagle puppies, like all puppies, have a hard time finding their limits. This means that they can get hurt easily during exercise. To keep things safe, it will be up to you to monitor your puppy and ensure that the exercise is done safely, and only to the capacity that the puppy can safely manage.

The most important tip is to learn what your beagle is good at and to play to its strengths. While you can have a young beagle develop skills it may not necessarily have in the bag naturally, such a process has to happen slowly. Beagles are stout dogs with a body that’s built for a specific task, so trying to drive them outside their comfort zone or play with them in ways their bodies aren’t built for can cause injury.

Beagles are somewhat low to the ground, so while they have better balance and traction than some other breeds, but they are also more susceptible to joint damage. This goes doubly for younger ones, whose joints are still developing and whose limbs may still be stocky. Providing even ground and stable equipment, if applicable, is vital.

When socializing with other dogs, beagles should be watched closely. They’re generally peaceful, but their tempers can flare when they’re provoked. Other dogs may think that they’re merely playing, and could end up setting your beagle puppy off. Additionally, Beagles may try to keep up with other dogs in play and end up hurting themselves in ways like rolling over, flipping forward, and falling down hills or off high places.

Why Doesn’t My Beagle Puppy Want to Walk?

Beagles can be fairly stubborn, and may not want to walk for a number of reasons. Beagle puppies in particular need a lot of sleep (18-20 hours per day in the first few months), so if they’re not getting the right amount of sleep, they could be prone to laziness and bad behavior.

Additionally, as a breed they’re prone to separation anxiety, so if you leave them at home alone for hours on end, they may be fearful of leaving the house altogether. You can check out some tips here on how to help curb separation anxiety in beagles. 

Lastly, your beagle may be too full to walk. Beagles are particularly prone to over-eating, as they are incredibly food motivated. This can backfire and often leave them sluggish, so you’ll want to be careful about overfeeding them. 

Final Thoughts

Beagles are excellent dogs for people who consider themselves outdoorsy or athletic, but they can take a while to build themselves into those ideal companions for running, hunting, and more. Beagle puppies’ builds put them at special risk, along with their propensity to obesity and thyroid problems, which means that you have to be very careful with them while they’re growing.

A growing Beagle puppy can and will exceed their limits and get hurt, so discipline is key. Likewise, balancing their need for exercise and stimulation with their sensitivity and the individual puppy’s stamina level will be very important. There are tons of things that could go wrong in exercising and playing with a young beagle, and you as the owner must be aware and vigilant when it comes to each and every step of their training

Modern Beagle Team

I've been working with beagles and helping train dogs for years. I have a background in online journalism, and have decided to combine these two skills to help teach the world about their beagles!

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